Foundation > Research

Research as a foundation for change.

Structural research on emancipation, talent development and multi-voicedness in the arts and culture sector is necessary for policy making. We see knowledge and research as the foundation in actively addressing awareness before cultural change can occur.

Research data on, for example, the social position of makers are used to ask and answer critical questions.

Measuring is knowing. Do research with Ellae

Ellae would like to work more closely with scientists, researchers and journalists to investigate, to fact-check results and findings and to give them greater support by sharing outcomes with independent media and the public. In this way, we can bring important social issues to the fore while protecting freedom of expression.

Why? Surely that's another line of work, I hear you thinking. Well, there is little to no (reliable data!) That's why Ellae wants to gather facts about the position of women artists and creators and the 2 other gaps (socioeconomic and cultural), which we are working hard to address. We approach this topic from different disciplines and intersectionally, so that we can approach it in a multi-voiced way and notice and point out blind spots. The goal is to separate sense from nonsense, so that Ellae's community is stronger together and our arguments are always substantiated.

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Breaking through the Mosaic Ceiling together?

Ellae enjoys working with researchers and media makers to separate sense from nonsense when it comes to the gender, socioeconomic and cultural divide in arts, culture and media sectors. We approach these issues intersectionally, to get an accurate picture of where we stand and how things could be better. Only then can we convince policymakers to frame policy beyond a paper reality.

Surfing the fourth feminist wave together?

To share and deepen acquired knowledge with stakeholders, Ellae intends to organize theme nights, panel discussions and symposia, with sharp and wise thinkers and with the sector. The goal is to sharpen the conversation about an accessible arts, culture and media sector (beyond intention). We also like to partner with social and feminist organizations that have already preceded us.


Letter to the Future: an accessible cultural policy for all

Letter to the Future

Rajae was invited by OCW in 2021 to write and present a letter to the future to Minister van Engelshoven, deputies, aldermen, fund directors, director general of culture/media and director and deputy director of heritage and media. Read...

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